Visualisation: Other

Here you will find a selection of datasets relating to other topics to practice Visualisation

Natural Gas Prices contains time series (monthly and daily) data of natural gas prices spanning from January 1997 to 2019. Data comes from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). Prices are measured in nominal dollars. The original data, and more information, can be found at Data Hub.

North Korea Missile Tests Database is the first database to record flight tests of all missiles launched by North Korea that can deliver a payload of at least 500 kilograms to a distance of at least 300 kilometres. More information on the database can be found at NTI. The file contains the following documents:

  • three .csv files with missile information (test data, success/failure, number, time, facility and location, missile type, source information)

  • a .pdf file describing how the tests are recorded, the variable measures, and how the information is categorised

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