Data: Retail

Here you will find a selection of retail-based datasets to practice Data.

Retail Sales Index (internet sales) is a subset of data taken from the Office of National Statistics, detailing monthly and yearly internet sales of various goods (by store type) in the UK. The dataset attached here contains two .csv files:

  • Average weekly sales in £ million for different store types and total sales (seasonally adjusted)

  • Average weekly value in £ million of retail vs. internet goods, and internet sales as a percentage of total sales (not seasonally adjusted)

Tobacco Advertising Study (2008 and 2011) contains data from the California Tobacco Advertising Survey (CTAS), showing the percentage and total number of stores with tobacco advertisements near candy or below three feet, in 2008 and 2011, broken down by store type. Source data and further information can be found at Data World.

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