Big Data

Here you will find a selection of data sources you can use for practicing the Big Data module.


The Enron email dataset contains approximately 500,000 emails generated by employees of the Enron Corporation. The emails were obtained by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission during its investigation of Enron's collapse in 2001. More information can be found here, and the complete dataset (1.4 GB) can be found on Kaggle.

  • Coming Soon: a small subset of the dataset

The World Bank: Financial Sector Indicator is an online data base where you can download information on multiple financial indicators (information on indicators here) measured over the past few decades at global and individual country levels. You can choose which indicators, country(ies), and time spans you would like to use to make your own data set for personal use.

The Organisation for Economic and Co-operation and Development (Finance) has a plethora of metadata for member and some non-member nations. The Finance tab includes downloadable data including, but not limited to: bank profitability, central government debt, financial and insurance statistics, pensions, SME financing, and more.

A Millennium of Macroeconomic Data for the UK (1086-2016) is a very large dataset that contains macroeconomic and financial information spanning mostly from the 12th century to present-day (one or two benchmark estimates from 1086, the year of the Domesday Book). The .xls file contains the original data from the Bank of England, including hundreds of time series data. The .csv file is an extract of several dozen headline time series from the .xls file.

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